Monday, 1 June 2020

May phytochemicals: Cinco de Mayo and a Sherlock Holmes poison

Root bark of Uncaria tomentosa ("Cat's claw", Gentianales) is used in traditional medicine. Oxindole alkaloids like uncarine are major U. tomentosa root bark constituents. They're associated with a variety of bioactivities, but are in need of more research! #PhytochemicalFriday

Drinking tequila leftover from #CincodeMayo? I too enjoy homoisoflavones - unusual phenolic compounds that only occur in some species. Those pictured here were found in Agave tequilana, the base ingredient in tequila. #PhytochemicalFriday

Happy #PhytochemicalFriday! Today: avenacins, fluorescent antimicrobial compounds produced by oat roots (Avena sativa). These triterpenoid saponins protect the plant against soil-borne pathogens and their biosynthesis is integrated with root hair development!

This #PhytochemicalFriday, birthday of #ArthurConanDoyle (creator of Sherlock Holmes): gelsemine, a poison similar to that in The Adventure of the Devil's Foot. This highly toxic compound from Gelsemium elegans ("heartbreak grass", Gentianales) is still used by modern assassins.


  1. Interesting blog. I'm from Bermuda. Cat's Claw grows here. Do you know much about the alkaloids in goji berries--they are nightshades, after all?

    I just wrote a post about plant phytochemicals. It's not from a chemist's perspective, though--just how things seem from a humble gardener's eye.

    1. I am not sure about goji berries - I'd have to look it up...

      Where is your post about phytochemicals? I'd love to read it.
