Thursday 3 January 2019

December phytochemicals - poison tipped arrows and holiday highlights

Glaziovianin: a flavonoid compound from Ateleia glazioviana that belongs to a family of tubulin polymerization inhibitors. By inhibiting microtubule assembly, these compounds interfere with cell division = potential chemotheraputics.

Ouabain:The poison-tipped arrow: brought to you by biochemical pathways in the Apocyanace! Species in this lineage such as Acokanthera schimperi twist and modify squalene into this potent cardiac glycoside. In small doses it can treat low blood pressure, but when delivered by arrow, inhibits the sodium-potassium ion pump and can cause cardiac arrest.

Pinenes: Happy holidays! If you enjoy the smell of a Christmas tree this season (mainly Pinaceae and Cupressaceae spp.), you are likely smelling a mixture of compounds that contains pinenes. Isolated, these monoterpenes smell a bit like turpentine and repel insects.

Ethyl lactate: Impress friends on #NYE2018: tout ethyl lactate, a volatile ester (union of an alcohol - ethanol, and acid - lactic acid) that contributes a buttery, creamy aroma to champagne. Also a green solvent that can be used to clean and degrease your post-party pans.